1. Writing JavaScript code in an HTML page:

    We must enclose the JavaScript code within the <script> tag in order to include it on an HTML page just as the example shown below

    <script type = "text/javascript">
    //JavaScript coding can be done inside this tag
  2. Inclusion of external JavaScript files in an HTML file:

    An external JavaScript file can also be written separately and included within our HTML file. That way, different types of code can be kept isolated from one another, resulting in better-organised files. For instance, if our JavaScript code is written in the file script.js, we can include it in our HTML file in the following way:

    <script src="script.js"><script>
  3. Javascript Variables

    Variables in JavaScript are simply names of storage locations. In other words, they can be considered as stand-in values that we can use to perform various operations in our JavaScript codes.

    var x = 140; 

    The most commonly used variable in JavaScript is var. It can be redeclared and its value can be reassigned, but only inside the context of a function. When the JavaScript code is run, variables defined using var are moved to the top.

    const x = 5;

    const: const variables in JavaScript cannot be used before they appear in the code. They can neither be reassigned values, that is, their value remains fixed throughout the execution of the code, nor can they be redeclared.

    let x = 202;

    let: The let variable, like const, cannot be redeclared. But they can be reassigned a value.

  4. Javascript Data Types
    var id = 100

    Numbers: These are just numerical values. They can be real numbers or integers.

    var y


    var demoString = "Hello World"


    sum = 20 + 30 + 29


    booleanValue = true

    Boolean Values

    const g = 9.8

    Constant Numbers

    var name = {name:"Jon Snow", id:"AS123"}


  5. Javascript Operators

    Fundamental Operators

    let x = 5;
    let y = 2;
    let z = x + y;

    Addition Operator

    let x = 5;
    let y = 2;
    let z = x - y;

    Substraction Operator

    let x = 5;
    let y = 2;
    let z = x * y;

    Multiplication Operator

    let x = 6;
    let y = 2;
    let z = x / y;

    Division Operator

    let x = 5;
    let y = 2;
    let z = x % y;

    Modulas Operator

    let x =2;

    Increment Operator

    let x =2;

    Decrement Operator

    let x = 5;
    let y = 2;
    let z = x ** y;

    Exponential Operator

    Bitwise Operators

    let x = 5 & 1;

    bitwise AND

    let x = 5 | 1;

    bitwise OR

    let x = 5 ^ 1;

    Bitwise XOR

    let x = ~5;

    Bitwise NOT

    let x = 5 << 1;

    Bitwise Left Shift

    let x = -5 >> 1;

    Bitwise Right Shift

    Comparision Operators:Used to test true or false.

    x == 8

    equal to

    x === 8

    equal value and equal type

    x != 8

    not equal

    x !== 8

    not equal value or not equal type

    8 > 6

    greater than

    5 < 8

    less than

    8 >= 8

    greater than or equal to

    8 <= 9

    less than or equal to

    Logical Operator

    5 < 10 && 2 > 1

    Logical AND

    x == 5 || y == 5

    Logical OR

    !(9 == 8)

    Logical NOT

  6. JavaScript If-Else Statements


    if (check condition) { // block of code to be executed if the given condition is satisfied } else { // block of code to be executed if the given condition is not satisfied }

  7. Loops in javascript
    for (initialization of the loop variable; condition checking for the loop; updation after the loop) {
            // code to be executed in loop

    for loop

    // Initialization of the loop variable is done before the while loop begins
            while(condition checking for the loop){
            // 1. code to be executed in loop
            // 2. updation of the loop variable

    while loop

    // Initialization of the loop variable is done before the do-while loop begins
    // 1. code to be executed in loop
    // 2. updation of the loop variable
    }while(condition checking for the loop);

    do-while loop

  8. Arrays

    var cars = ["Mercedes", "Tesla","Volvo"];
  9. Functions

    function nameOfTheFunction(parameterOne, parameterTwo, parameterThree, parameterFour,....,parameterN) {
        // Job or Task of the function 
  10. Scope and Scope Chain in JavaScript
    Scope: The accessibility or visibility of variables in JavaScript is referred to as scope. That is, which sections of the program can access a given variable and where the variable can be seen. There are usually three types of scopes:
    var hello = 'Hello!';
    function sayHello() {
    // 'Hello!' gets logged

    Global Scope

    function sayHello() {
    var hello = 'Hello!';
    // 'Hello!' gets logged

    Local or Function Scope

    let hello = 'Hello!';
    var language = 'Hindi';
    console.log(hello); // 'Hello!' gets logged
    console.log(language); // 'Hindi!' gets logged
    console.log(hello); // Uncaught ReferenceError: hello is not defined

    Block Scope

    Scope Chain: When a variable is used in JavaScript, the JavaScript engine searches the current scope for the variable's value. If it can't find the variable in the inner scope, it will look into the outer scope until it finds it or reaches the global scope.
    let a = 'a';
    function foo() {
    let b = 'b';
    console.log(b); // 'b' gets logged
    console.log(a); // 'a' gets logged
    randomNumber = 33;
    console.log(randomNumber);  // 33 gets logged
  11. JavaScript Hoisting
    function display(inputString) {
        console.log(inputString); // 'Lion' gets logged 

    Function Hoisting

    console.log(x) // 'undefined' is logged from hoisted var declaration (instead of 7)
    var x // Declaration of variable x
    x = 7; // Initialization of variable x to a value 7
    console.log(x); // 7 is logged post the line with initialization's execution.

    Variable Hoisting

  12. JavaScript Closures

    We must enclose the JavaScript code within the <script> tag in order to include it on an HTML page just as the example shown below

    function subtractor(subtractingInteger) {
    return function(a) {
        return a - subtractingInteger;
    var subtract2 = subtractor(2);
    var subtract5 = subtractor(5);
    console.log(subtract2(5));  // 3 is logged
    console.log(subtract5(5)); // 0 is logged